Leif Erickson

I grew up in northern Worcester County, Massachusetts. I had the benefit of growing up listening to radio stations in Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Manchester, and Providence, but it was the dearly departed WBCN Boston that left the biggest mark on me. I did four years at Boston University where the radio bug first bit me, at student station WTBU (notable WTBU alumni include a guy named Howard Stern). Upon graduating, I packed up the proverbial wagon and headed north to Lebanon, NH, where I worked in radio for five years before a relatively new station, 107.5 Frank FM came calling in 2005. You've been stuck with me in the afternoons ever since, so, sorry about that.
My first ever concert was The Moody Blues in 1988. A couple of years later I discovered. Yes, and they are still my favorite band today. My favorite artist to interview has to be Todd Rundgren (I've had him on the show three times.) My music collection at home truly goes from ABBA to ZZ Top.
I'm a pretty private and quiet guy off-the-air. But you might see me at a local record shop perusing the "just arrived" bin. I'm a terrible runner, but that doesn't stop me from running Beach to Beacon every August! I'm also something of an amateur hiker. Give me a two-hour hike and a nice view, and I'm good. I love other people's dogs, and I am a cat dad at home. You might also see me taking turns down Rogue Angel at Sunday River, Lynx at Wildcat, or Walking Boss at Loon. (Fun fact, I've also been a radio ski conditions reporter for Snocountry over the past two decades. You can hear me on the radio everywhere from Massachusetts to Oregon in the wintertime!)
Thanks for being a part of our radio get-togethers! Join me for great tunes from 3p-7p, The Workday Time Warp at 3:45p, and the 6 O'Clock Class Reunion at 6p every Monday-Friday.